Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sitting in Room in Jersey

Hi everyone,

So my "travels" have brought me to beautiful New Jersey, land of stuff...or whatever...anyway, sitting at my Uncle's out, just celebrated the 1st year of my cousin's kids (twins...Riya and Diya) was nice...

I would have to say that when there is no fighting going on, which for the most part there isn't in the Jersey family...yeah, it's like the mafia for us...we have the Chicago family, and the jersey family...there's a lotta laughter, there's laugh out load, keel over, tears coming out, stomach hurting's of course at the expense of someeone, though the someone changes during the evening, which is nice...there was a great joke..."But they charge you 1/2 price for your haircut, don't they??" the bald guy, who tends to dish it out...I dish out my fair share, but for the most part it can only be to the younger ones, cuz that's the way it is...

Interesting, I tend to talk a lot less here, especially at family gatherings, because I'm not so good with gujarati...I could speak in english, and everyone would understand, but they tend to speak in gujarati. Also odd here, is that I'm still considered a guest, even though I've been at all most everyone of the family gatherings over the past 3.5 years that I've been in Baltimore. So basically, when they all get together, I'm here. I always stay with my Uncle, because everyone else is cousins.

The Super Bowl is on Bear's lost their only playoff game, stinks. Will rout for Big Ben...though this is going against my gut of routing for the underdog, when I don't have a particular interest...for some reason I think of Pittsburgh as the underdog, though that 7 point spread suggests otherwise. Nightmare for the better, are you supposed to lay 7 points if you think oyur team should be the underdog...crazy...oh well.

By the way, I think one of my earlier posts about happiness has been misunderstood, or at least, looking back, i think it could have been. My suggestions on things to cut out are soley based on my own thoughts. I think that making a list of what makes you happy is a great idea, but it's what makes YOU happy...not me or anyone else. My thought is that this should drive your use of resources...not my list, or my thoughts, but your thoughts. So if you wanna go out and splurg, by all means go do that, because if it brings you happiness, then hey, you should do it. Now, i'm not suggesting that you should forgo your obligations soley for your happiness, hopefully the obligations you have are a part of your happiness...okay, point made...


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