Monday, August 28, 2006

An uncomfortable bike and ripped pants

After getting a wonderful history lesson on Doolin, the Cliffs, and the Burren, we were off to sleep, and soon to waking the next morning for our trip to the Aran Islands, which are 8km off the coast of Ireland. We were up early, so we decided to go look at the beach that our host mentioned...down the road, past an old cemetary...hike and scramble through the brush and rocks...and soon we see waves crashing against the if we were at the base of the Cliffs of Moher. It was a wonderful show of one swimming in those waves would have no chance against the fury of the water slamming into the rocks. This was quite a way to start the day at 8am...the spray of the water hit us in the face and woke us up. Soon after we got back to the car after a bit of wandering in the rock and brush...

Off to the Ferry for the Aran islands...wasn't such a great adventure for this poor chap. We got on the boat, which left about 1/2 hour after it was supposed too...then we decided to go up to the top of the ferry, which was okay for a the choppy water moving us all over...but the ride too 2 hours...and once you got over the beautiful scenery it was kind of annoying...oh well. Getting to the island, we stepped off and headed to the bike rental...and off we went on the Ring of Aran trail...or so we thought. We actually headed a couple of miles in the wrong direction...which wasn't so bad, because the ride was nice, and we got back into town in time for lunch to be served at the restauarants. So we had a very nice meal, and headed off the other way...this time on the far as we could tell. Soon after this, I realized that my back was killing me on this bike...and after much anguish (cuz I like to bike!!), I got off and walked with it. I forgot to mention the ripped I being the stupid lad I am, forgot that my baggish cargo pants would get caught in the gears of the bike...which they did, and soon the pant leg was in shreds...good times...

Anyway, as we were riding (me ride/walking)...we got to a stone fort...which was really pretty awesome, and very old...couple thousand years old I believe. Hard to describe, but the pictures are pretty cool.

So at this point, I realized that the bike was too big for me, in that the handlebars were too far away for me to be comfortable, and I did I bad job of picking a bike...knowing this, and having torn pants...I decided I'd had enough, and we went back down towards the town...returned the bikes, hit the shops...and found a balcony to sit, drink hot chocolate, listen to music and read...while looking out of the sea...wonderful!

Soon the boat came for us...and we had a 2 hour journey back...this time in the cabin, sitting and sleeping...much better...

Off to Galway after that...good times to be had there!!


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