Tuesday, August 22, 2006

These people drive on the LEFT!!!

So we got the car today, and good times were had! We managed to put 150km or so on the car, not get honked at, screamed at, flicked off, and for the most part not hit anything...we hit a curb each with turns too tight! Overall the first day of driving on the left hand side seemed to go pretty well. We have a small Nissan Micra, which suits us just fine. Once you get used to looking everyway, even behind you, and turning tight to the right, and wide to the left...wait, got it backwards! :)

We went to a placed called Bru Bonne today...which is the Palace on the Bonne river, or something thereabouts...there are neolithic tombs that were made about 5000 years ago. They really are spectacular feats of engineering, as well as a beautiful spiritual place. I have some great pictures, and better postcards!

So funny thing happened...apparently my watched stopped sometime last night, but we didn't know it...basically we ran about 1.5 hours behind the entire day, but caught up when we stopped to eat lunch. The waitress kindly informed us that it was 3pm...to the chegrin of Dan and I who thought it was 1:30...and had tooled around in the car more to kill time than anything...we had to catch the buss to go to Knowth (once of the tomb sites) at 3:15...we hightailed the car, ran in, and walked on the bus just about 30 seconds before they were leaving...nice job! So we'll be checking time a little better from now on!

We got back to Dublin after some driving fun...contruction and traffic mess things up here pretty good too!! We ate an Indian restuaruant, and I might have gotten one of the best compliments ever...the Indian waiter said he'd never seen white people eat with their hands...I was so proud!! ;)

off to the forest tomorrow!


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